I promised myself I would NEVER be a stay-at-home mom, and would definitely NEVER home school my children. I knew myself better. I did not have the patience or the energy to do it. I love my children, but let's be realistic. I need a break from them every once in a while. Okay maybe a little more often than that. Parents that tell you that they don't need a break or don't want to be away from their children is lying.
I looked forward to the day my last child went to school full time. I even celebrated with a friend when the last one started half-day kindergarten, all to be blind-sided with another pregnancy. I guess going back into the workforce was not in the cards. Just a couple of years later I was faced with the decision to homeschool or not. I chose the needs of my child over mine, so I brought them all home to learn. And I don't regret a minute of it.